5 Helpful Gifts for New Parents-2

First few weeks of parenting are always challenging. Mostly, new parents do their best to adjust to the new norms of their life and household. We can suggest top 5 helpful gifts for new parents, you may choose one from.

1. A Smart Vacuum

A smart vacuum-like Goovi robotic vacuum cleaner is a gift that new parents will love to get.

It’s a remote-controlled vacuum cleaner and can clean your house while you are feeding or bathingthe baby. The vaacuun saves a lot of time and physical exertion you may otherwise put in. It’s a self-discharging cleaner.

2. Baby Rocker

Baby rockers come in multiple styles, patterns, materials, and a lot of colorful accessories to keep the baby engaged. They will help parents in busy hours during which they can put the baby in, and work around freely. They can shift it to other places in the house to monitor the baby and continue with daily chores.

Baby rockers come in wood, which is padded with foam and cotton to make it more comfortable for thebaby.

3. Baby Carrier

Baby carrier gives the new parents time and room to roam around, carrying the baby in it. This will make the not to worry about leaving the baby with babysitters.

Baby carriers are now coming with stylish loops and wrapping stripes. These carriers come from durable fabric with cotton padding for the baby’s comfort. You can wear it around your shoulders across the chest and carry your baby either in front or at the back.

4. A dinner solution

New parents mostly rely on outside fast food.

Your cooker gift will make their life easy for making home-cooked food in a more convenient manner. The Crock-Pot Slow cooker holds good for time-bound or sleep-deprived parents. It comes with a recipe book for making cooking more efficient and quick.

It can serve 8 quarts, and weight only 7 kg.

5. A caffeine boost

A portable Wacaco Minipresso Machine. During early parenting days, sleep is of prime concern and couples become short on sleep. This gift will put them in a comfort zone where they can get their coffee instantly. This machine will get you fresh espresso in a minute you just add boiling water to get the coffee.


Any parent will find these top 5 gifts a great help in reducing their stress. They are exceptional gifts with a mix of comfort for both the baby and the parents.

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